Species - Bramble (Rubus fruticosus)

Location - Various

Grid Ref - Various

A tough, thorny, creeping plant that can grow anywhere, but gives us an amazing crop of Blackberries in Autumn. This plant is the main reason why I don’t wear shorts on summer walks, as I have had more than my fair share of arguments with this plant and always come worse off. It produces a 5 petal white flower in late spring to early summer and the berries finally appear towards the end of July. The ripe berries are eaten by most small birds and wild animals such as deer and badger help disperse their seeds.

UK folklore dictates that blackberries should not be picked after Old Michaelmas Day in October, as the Devil has sullied them. Brambles used to be planted on graves to stop sheep grazing, but might also have had the more superstitious purpose of keeping the dead in. 

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